LA Central Library

The LA Central Library promotes knowledge and agency through book lending and other specialized services. The public struggles to access these services because its website is disorganized and overwhelming.  A new website was designed to ensure its services are utilized.


Responsive Web Design


Expand Service Access


August 2024


The Problem

One of the country's most important libraries doesn't have its own website. Basic information about the Central Library is spread out and lost within the public library system's overwhelming and disorganized website. Aesthetically, it is as childishly unserious as it is functionally forbidding. The community therefore can't find information about services such as free tutoring for students, literacy programs for adults, or its high tech creative lab for the community. The consequence is that these unknown services become underutilized and eventually defunded. Perhaps the most disconcerting example of the website's dysfunction is that its librarians often cannot find the most basic of information without relying on Google search.


The Constraints

The scope of this project had to be narrowly defined. Limiting the scope of work meant that this project would focus on presenting the high-level features and benefits of the library and that it would not be tackling the complex online lending system. The goal of this project was to design a website that repositioned LA Central Library as a culturally significant institution with important services for the community. Aesthetically, this needed to be brought to life with a modern aesthetic that honored the library's history and geographic context while best exemplifying its values.


User Research

Research centered in contextual inquiry identified the user experience issues that needed addressing. Findings from these user tests were synthesized with interview insights and distilled into user archetypes. These user profiles helped narrow the focus of this design project to ensure that the needs of the local community would be addressed.

Uninformed Members

Uninformed Members

These community members are the ones library services were created for but these users don't know they exist and can't find it.


Underserved Members

Underserved Members

These LA community members have heard about some Central Library services but are struggling to find and therefore use them.


Public Advocates

Public Advocates

These members want to connect the public with library services but don't have a clear idea of what the services are and where to find them.



The Solution

The end result is a simple and modern website that makes it easier for the Central Library's patrons and visitors to quickly grasp what services, events, and facilities are available at the library. All without needing to use Google search to navigate it.



The library's new design needed to be at once friendly and dignified. The new and focused layout needed to be enhanced with typography and colors that reflected the aesthetics of the library building itself and the distinct ecology of Los Angeles. To lend the website a friendly and modern flare, the desert color palette was accented with select neon streaks. Together these elements would restore dignity to the Central Library while making it feel inviting to the public.


The Process

The next order of business was bringing an overwhelming amount of information under control. This was accomplished by designing a front page that helped narrow a visitor's focus to only the most crucial pieces of information. From there, individual service or event pages were made easier to navigate to. Overall, the website was designed to be more picture-forward in order to make it more intuitive to navigate. Once these changes were implemented, it was a snap for users to find what they were looking for.


The Metrics

The success of this new design can't stop with the number of visits the library's website gets. It must result in a tangible increase in physical visits to the library and a significant improvement in the awareness and utilization of the library's services and events. The following goals can be used to define the success of the LA Central Library's new website and guide further improvements.

Library Membership

Increase membership sign up through website by 20% within 6 months.

Service Engagement

Increase library service engagement by 25% within 6 months.

Event Attendance

Increase average event attendance by 30% within 6 months.

Lending Rates

Increase lending rates through website by 10% within 6 months.

Library Visits

Increase physical library visits by 25% within 6 months.

Event Awareness

Improve library event awareness by 20% within 6 months.



After trying the new website, users expressed surprised enthusiasm about the public library system in general and about the Los Angeles Central Library in particular. Besides the refreshed aesthetics, the simplified layout and controlled volume of information did wonders to help focus user attention on vital information. The finished website better communicates LA Central Library's importance to the community and closes the gap between the library's services and the public's needs.